Review Detail

4.5 3
Young Adult Fiction 228
Surprisingly well done!
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
First Impressions: Every once in a while, I like to take on a book that seems to be a bit of an underdog. Usually it’s something that catches my attention, but flies under most people’s radar. Something Witchy This Way Comes had a neat cover and once I read the synopsis, it seemed like it would be something I would enjoy.

My Review: I ended up really enjoying this book. It was a nice and easy read and it seemed to just fly on by. The writer has a way of moving the plot along at a laid-back speed that I thought made this book stand out. I also liked the alternating first- person POV’s between the main characters, Hayden and Tessa. I’m not a huge fan of first-person perspectives, so that is saying something since I actually enjoyed them in this title.

While I did like the character Tessa, Hayden was my favorite! He changes so much throughout the course of the story and it was fun to see him grow as a character. He starts out as the ultimate bad-boy, but once you dig a little deeper, you find out that he might not be so bad after all. His character was really fun. Oh, and super hot!

The romance between these two characters was super entertaining and fun to read about. I liked being able to tell what each character was thinking and how they felt towards one another. Usually, we only get to see one person’s perspective, especially when it comes to romance. The author creates a ton of tension and suspense even though as the reader, we know what each character is thinking and feeling. It takes a very creative person to accomplish something like that.

I will say that I do have a couple small disappointments. When I had read the book synopsis, I thought that the main plot line would be about the paranormal aspect of witches and covens and such, with a romantic sub-plot. It ended up, in my opinion, the other way around. I think the romance most definitely took precedence over the paranormal and that was semi-disappointing. Usually if the actual book is nothing like the book’s synopsis I wouldn’t give this good of a review or recommend it. In this case, I did really enjoy the romantic plot of the book even though it wasn’t what I was suspected. Just be warned that if you aren’t into a lot of romance, you might not care too much for this book, but I hope you will give it a try.

Final Thoughts: Altogether, I think that author did a pretty good job with this book. I think it will appeal to an older teen and while I wasn’t prepared for that much romance, I did really like the book. I think that the author could have added in some more action and made the book a little darker, but if you like nice and easy reads, this one would be a good choice!
Good Points
The romance
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