Someone Like You

4.4 (33)
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This book led me to a world of happy!
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This was the first Sarah Dessen book I ever read and I am so glad! I know own all but two of her books.
Good Points
This book is written beautifully. The characters are so vivid and alive they seem real.
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Dessen can turn a basic friendship story into a multi-layered gem.
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Scarlett and Halley have been friends for years and Scarlett has always been the stronger one. But when Scarlett’s boyfriend dies in an accident, she needs Halley to lean on. Soon she finds herself pregnant and Halley finds herself the strong one in the relationship for the first time.

I enjoyed getting to know the characters in this book. I felt like they were revealed slowly over time instead of in one blast. Halley could have been one of those girls that stayed in the shadow of her extrovert best friend, but I liked how she held her own ground. They were more of a team than ‘Scarlett and her friend.’ I disliked Macon, whom Halley begins to date. He did a few nice things, but overall, he was not a good guy. I was proud of Halley for having the courage to stand up to him when he pressured her to do something she wasn’t ready for. Cameron was a superb addition to the group of friends. He didn’t get a lot of ‘screen time’ but he was a real treat, especially for Scarlett. Another fabulous extra character was Steve, Scarlett’s mom’s boyfriend. I loved how he slowly reveal his personality without putting all his crazy out there all at once.

Though the focus of the story was meant to be the relationship between Halley and Scarlett, I especially enjoyed the relationship between Halley and her mom (and I wasn’t particularly fond of her character either). I felt this was the part where Dessen’s writing really shined. Halley had come to a point in her life where she had to decide what kind of person she was going to become and where her mother fit in. Having lived through such a relationship, it is not an easy thing to do and I thought theirs was a realistic portrayal of a mom and daughter forging a new relationship.

‘Teen girl gets pregnant’ isn’t especially unique, but the other characters make it much more complex and entertaining than it could have been. The dialogue didn’t stand out to me, though that could also be a considered a good thing. It wasn’t bad or great, just seemed standard issue.

For a book about teen pregnancy, there was very little actual sex. It was talked about in detail and there was teen pressure to have it, but nothing I would call too graphic. The dialogue was classic teen talk, with just the right amount of slang. I liked the way the 2 girls talked to each other, like you would talk to someone you’d known forever.

Though the cover isn’t too embarassing for a YA book, it had little to do with ths story itself and doesn’t reveal much about the plot or characters.
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Juicy, Girly Book
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Reader reviewed by Ruthie

This book was actually recommended to me by a fellow classmate. She told me it was just a cute, girly book that I just had to read. After reading, I totally agreed with her. this book was realistically filled with drama and sheer juiciness. It's a book any girl can relate to and anyone can enjoy. The characters are crisp, the ending was perfect. My only issue was the cover which had nothing to do with the story yet, that's just a pet peeve of mine. I expect I'll be reading more Sarah Dessen books in the future.
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Reader reviewed by Cara

WOW! This book is absoulutely amazing. I love how Sarah Dessen writes. She writes with so much detail, its like you are actually there. I have never been pregnant and neither have any of my friends, but the way she writes it makes it seem like you are reading your own diary. Its so hard to put into words. Until you have actually read one of her books, you dont really know how great the stories are.

This book is great for just about any teenage girl. The girls are about 16 or 17, and you can really get into the story from page one.
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Realistic and Heart-Wrenching
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Reader reviewed by BooksObsession

Halley and Scarlett have been best friends for years, always there for each other. So when Scarlett finds out that she's pregnant just two months after her boyfriend's death, Halley must step up to the plate and be the friend Scarlett has always been to her. Halley and her mom, a therapist, have been close best friends for life - until the summer before Junior year, when Halley begins to change. She befriends the popular, loudmouth Ginny Tabor, and starts dating irresponsible, rebel Macon, whom her parents don't approve of. As Halley starts getting in trouble at school and home, she must turn to Scarlett for support. Together, the two girls experience a school year they will never forget.

Sarah Dessen has always been one of my favorite authors because I feel like I can always relate to the characters and I like her realistic approach of writing. Plus, a cute romance seems to always be included.. ;) So I didn't hesitate to get this book for myself; even looking at the adorable cover makes me want to read it!

By the first few pages, I liked the novel already. I was able to really dig down into Halley's character and walk around in her shoes. However, unlike Dessen's other books, I couldn't actually relate to the main character. While she constantly made wrong decisions, I just wanted to scream at her and throw the book at the wall. Even by the end of the book, I don't feel like she changed that much. I think I'd like the book a lot better if I liked Halley's character more. Scarlett on the other hand, well, let's just say: I would kill to be her bestfriend. I loved her character!

The story had an overall good, realistic plot that covered many aspects in life that teenagers face at one point or the other. Such as grieving over the death of a loved one, branching out from your parents for a sense of independence, teenage pregnancy, and how to end a bad relationship.

There were, however, certain parts in the book that I got completely absorbed in. With my nose practically pushed up against the page, whenever someone tried to talk to me, I'd rudely shush them and tell them to wait until I was done with the chapter. (Yes, I can be rude when I read!)

Overall, I enjoyed the book and would probably read it again.  

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True friends are with you through everything.
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Reader reviewed by Holly

 Halley and Scarlett have been best friends since they were four. When they are sixteen a terrible tragety happen to Micheal, Scarlett's boyfriend she is broken and really need s Halley and for halley that is strange since halley has always needed Scarlett not the other way around. Not too long after Scarlett realizes she is pregnant with Micheals baby and that turns the friends' worlds upside down.  This is a beautiful books about friendship, loss, and love. It is complete with hilarious moments about Scarletts pregnancy to heartbreaking moments. And it truly supports the fact that true friends are there for each other through thick and thin.
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Better than I expected
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Reader reviewed by Lilibeth

Change is everything. Oppisites become regulars.

Having to depend on someone most of her life, Halley realizes that now it's her turn to take care, watch over, and instruct Scarlett through this unexpected pregnancy. She has to be the strong one. What, at first, Halley doesn't realize is that she's going through changes herself. Personally. Emotionally. Mentally. Whether they're good or bad is not her concern. It's whether she's ready for what's looming over her head. What's rumbling in the distance. Is she ready to be the dominant of the pair? Is she ready for the decisions that are coming at her head-on? Is she ready to defy the way she has lived her life for fifteen years for Scarlett, and again for the guy? Though, is he really the guy? Is she ready to be an aunty?

I have two favorite characters; more like features from said characters. Halley, through her first stages of the book, being the quiet one, waiting for someone to take the dominate position as her friend. Then there's Micheal, the one who was killed. Who belonged nowhere and everywhere; and that's why they loved him. Praised him for being of a different flavor.

Someone Like You is insightful, in a heart-felt way that let's you view, not only the life of a pregnant teenager, but the effects it causes upon others that surrond her--specifically the MC. Only thing that tickled me was the frustrating Mother--Halley's, I mean, never really giving Halley a chance to explain. I think this book lacks a bit in detail, but besides that I would recommend this book to YA readers, and hope they like the ending as much as I did.
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Excellent Book By Sarah Dessen!
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Reader reviewed by KJ

"Life Is An Ugly, Awful Place Not To Have A Best Friend" - Someone Like You

Halley and Scarlett have been best friends for years. They're mirrors of each other- Halley, quiet and shy, Scarlett, outgoing and brave. Halley always goes to Scarlett for advice and help and Scarlett always knows the right thing to say. Halley lives with her parents, and always follows the rules, always doing the right thing. Scarlett lives with her young mother, and is more wild and talkative. Their lives are going well and their friendship is strong. Everything changes when Scarlett's boyfriend is killed in a motorcycle accident and Scarlett learns she's pregnant with his baby. Halley knows she needs to be the one who stays strong for Scarlett, and be the best friend she knows she can be.
Someone Like You was an amazing book. It's different than some of the other books I've read by Sarah Dessen, but I loved this one just as much as the others. The characters seemed real and the book showed friendship at its best. An excellent book I would recommend to anyone.

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bad boy in love with sweet girl
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Reader reviewed by mockock

this book is different than any other book that i have read.. there are two best friends and there is a tragity in one of there lives...and then from there everything goes down hill..but i can tell you because you are going to have to read the book...:)..haha..i had you going there for a little bit,, but if you love a good romance and a funny book & a sad book...well this is the book perfect for you..
with lots of love,,
crazy girl in love .

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Good Book...
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Reader reviewed by Kelsey

Halley and Scarlett have been best friends forever, sharing everything like sisters. After Scarlett's boyfriend dies in an accident, she finds out that she's carrying his child. She doesn't know what to do, but Halley helps her through it. Through it all, Halley learns how to overcome her fears and accomplish anything. I loved this book, it shows how true friendship should be. This is recommended for seventh and upper.
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