Review Detail

4.6 7
Young Adult Fiction 364
Not your average werewolf story
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
5/5 Stars
There are a lot of werewolf stories out there... but this is something else. Sisters Red is a fairytale retelling of Little Red Riding Hood. The chapters alternate between the two main character’s points of view. These two characters—Scarlett and Rosie March hunt creatures called Fenris (i.e. werewolves).

Both of these sisters are portrayed beautifully, with each one having their own unique voice. The older sister Scarlett is the harsher, tougher sister. She believes strongly in the hunt and because of their past takes it very personally. Her main reason for hunting is revenge.

Rosie on the other hand is the softer, gentler sister. She doesn’t like hunting as much, and cares more about her sister and their good friend Silas. Her main reason for hunting is guilt. Even though these two are very different, both of their actions get influenced heavily by how it will affect their sister. They also share a mutual interest towards Silas. How they react to their feeling, and act on them is just as interesting and unique as the way these two girls balance each other perfectly.

Jackson Pearce did a beautiful job painting her characters in this story, and giving them dimension. The balance of action to romance is just as perfect as her portrayal of Scarlett and Rosie. You won’t want to put it down.
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