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4.2 2
Young Adult Fiction 243
Mythological Romance
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I just finished reading the book "Silent Echo" by Elisa Freilich. When I was recommended this book I was a little apprehensive thinking it would be your typical YA romance with an element of action, but when I started reading it I was pleasantly surprised. It had the romance I was expecting, a love triangle between the protagonist Portia, her best friend Felix, and the new kid in town Max, but it also had equal parts Greek mythology and action. The book follows Portia, a mute teenager, who suddenly receives her voice and shocked to learn she is a siren. The story kept me interested until the final- shocking- page. The characters are extremely likable and unique. I haven't seen any other deaf characters in the young adult world besides for Felix. I also see Charlotte, Portia's friend and neighbor, as a role model to girls in her situation. I, a seventeen year old guy, would highly recommend this book to everyone because it has something for everyone in it. I can't wait for the sequel!
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