Review Detail

4.3 42
Young Adult Fiction 501
Not your little sister's "Twilight"...
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Reader reviewed by VioLetSlieZ

So I read a few reviews on other sites comparing "Shiver" to the 'diluted version of Twilight'. This is NOT another version of Twilight nor is it 'diluted' in any way. 

We meet Grace and Sam immediately and it becomes pretty clear from the start that Sam is the werewolf and Grace is the girl he has eyes for. She has suffered a traumatic attack as a child in her very own backyard and her life begins to unfold soon after. Grace is not your typical teenager with nagging parents and a horrible existence at school. She has the kind of parents that need parenting themselves and although Grace is more than happy to oblige, she stops and wonders from time time if they ever really care about her. For someone like me who was born to a teenage single mother and felt like she was a sister more than a parent growing up, it was very easy for me to understand Grace's plight when dealing with her parents. 

Sam becomes a very important part of her life. He saved her from an almost fatal attack as a child and has watched her ever since. Grace has felt the pull and attraction to the woods and especially her 'wolf' from the time she was 6 years old. How is it possible that she knows when he is watching her without spotting him, feels his presence before he appears, understands his feelings without ever communicating? This is what Grace has to figure out for her own. 
She has two best friends and they play an important role in her relationship with Sam. 

Everything explodes when a school mate, Jack, is killed presumably by wolves. Just as his parents prepare to deal with the grief of a funeral, his body disappears from the morgue. We soon learn that Jack, Sam, Grace, her friends and even Jack's sister Isabel are all connected by the mystery that surrounds their town. The woods hold many secrets and they unravel right before their eyes. 

It's very easy to say that this is the story that could have been written for Jacob from the Twilight Series but within the first few pages you see that Sam an Jacob are as different as they come. Even if they are both wolves. Maggie Stiefvater's writing flows and is lyrical in so many ways. She has a way of intoxicating the reader and bringing them into Grace and Sam's world. I usually take notice of what page I'm on when reading and then figure out how many more pages I have to go before the end of the book. I never did that with "Shiver"! Before I knew it I was on page 227 and I was immediately thinking 'I hope this goes on forever, better slow down my reading so it doesn't end so soon'. Give this book a try, go for it! Its worth it!
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