Review Detail

4.4 38
Young Adult Fiction 1398
I almost missed out
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Before I read this, I had read a bunch of reviews most of which said this was a horrible book, and the writing style was hideous. So, I almost didn't pick this book up. Thank God I didn't listen to them. This book is fantastic.

I absolutely loved the main character and her unique power which you don't see nowadays. I also absolutely LOVED the dystopian world the author created. I guess I'm already a sucker for dystopias, but this one is one of my favorites.

The characters were amazingly developed. I was actually kind of surprised. It was hard to figure out who was the bad guy and who had just been brought up incorrectly, and all that jazz. At some times I felt angry with a character and certain he/she was pure evil, and at other times I felt as if there was another side to the character. And this is how characters should be. Not many people are truly evil or even truly good. Everyone makes mistakes.

The writing style is different. I'll give the other reviewers that. But, you get used to it. And then you start to like it...a lot.

Read the book. It's good. And once you're done read the next one, because Shatter Me is a series. And Shatter Me is one of those books that needs to be a series.
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