Review Detail

4.0 2
Young Adult Fiction 701
Intriguing, Different, Creepy
Overall rating
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"It was an accident, the first time I killed.
It was an instinct I didn't know I had.
I never made a choice.
The second time was on purpose."

Shallow Graves has it all..murder, suspense, horror, and paranormal aspects with a main character that is so intriguing and she pulls you right into the story.

From the very first page Shallow Graves grabbed me and had me turning pages deep into the night just to see what happened next. This was such an intriguing, different, creepy and yet utterly FASCINATING story!!

Breezy is murdered and buried in a shallow grave and when she awakens she realizes she is not really alive and yet not really alive...she is different.

"I couldn't die. No matter what I did, the wounds healed. They hurt, every single one, pain like I had never felt before. They bled, they burned, they left scars. But they healed....."

" .......All I had was data, and all the data told me was that sometime between the moment I died and the moment I woke up, I had either become something unnatural, something not alive but not either....."

Breezy then begins on a path to figure out what happened to her any why? There are so many questions in this book that make you think about life and death and the afterlife

I absolutely loved Breezy's character. She is so strong and yet angry and calculating. She is more determined than ever to use her new found "abilities" to fight evil while she is searching for answers about what happened to her and why she is like this.

Shallow Graves is engrossing, addictive, heart-breaking, unique, fascinating, and utterly creepy. AND I LOVED EVERY PAGE of this chilling YA thriller that brings out the gut-wrenching truth surrounding what really happened to Breezy and how it completely changes her life. There was so much mystery in this book and I could not wait to find out the answers.

Kali Wallace is an author to watch for. Her writing skills are fascinating and so full of emotion. Her characters feel so real and she had me completely engrossed in this phenomenal debut book from the first page to the last and when it was over....I still wanted more...Well done Kali Wallace....Well done.
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