Review Detail

4.1 5
Young Adult Fiction 692
Great fantasy story!
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
*The publisher gave a copy of this book to me via NetGalley but that did not influence the review**

My initial thoughts after I was done reading: I think I sighed and quickly jumped on Goodreads to see when the next book will be out. I may have also put my hand over my heart because I felt all warm and fuzzy. But don’t let that deceive you. This is in no way a warm and fuzzy book. This novel is about Neryn, who has no family left so she decides to try and find Shadowfell, a place where she can be safe with her “gift”. However, getting there is no easy task. The king’s men are out to get her because her gift is so valuable and the king would like her under his control. She is intercepted by Flint, a ruggedly handsome man of few words. This is the story of Neryn’s journey and her fight to save what she believes in.

The heroine: I loved Neryn. She is young, but brave with a huge heart. She is so generous, even when her situation is so dire.

The hero: I love Flint. LOVE. He is quiet, never smiles or shows any emotion. However, his reason for this unemotional behavior is to keep Neryn safe. He is stuck in an impossible situation, yet forges ahead. He is brave and totally confident….at least on the outside. RAWR. I want him.

The Secrets: There were soooooo many secrets, but there had to be. If you knew something the Enforcers could get it out of your head with magic. So secrets were actually necessary to keep people safe. It definitely ramped up the mystery!

The ending: I loved. LOVED. The pace picked up and I could not put the book down.

Gripes: Well, none really, but if I have to nit-pick it would be that setting the scene took too long in the beginning and I missed Flint terribly. I know, it’s pretty picky and I’m such a sucker for romance so his absence was a big hole for me. I also would have liked a little more romance, but I understand that it wouldn’t have fit into the story at this point. There just wasn’t time for a love affair when lives were at stake.

Rec it? Absolutely. Shadowfell is a great story built up gradually that will keep your interest the whole time. Then it was topped off with a brewing romance that was such a tease for the next book. This is a great addition to any TBR list. Happy reading! :)
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