Review Detail

4.0 1
Young Adult Fiction 649
Royal Scandal
Overall rating
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Royal Scandal continues with the ongoing story of American-born Evan Bright's life in the UK. She's only just discovered she's in fact the illegitimate daughter of the King. Now it's Christmas time and she's to spend time with the royal family at Sandringham, only some people, including royalty members, aren't too happy. After a horrific accident, Evan's life turns topsy-turvy. Add to that she's now hearing voices that threaten her life. Only no one believes her. When another event turns into a tragedy and she's accused of being involved with a terrorist group, Evan doesn't know if anyone will believe her fears. She swears that Ben, the nephew of the King, is the one behind framing her. But time is running out. Who else will die before the truth is revealed?

What worked: Engaging sequel that continues Evan's life in the UK. As if it's not hard enough to find out she's the illegitimate daughter of the King of England, but she's pulled further into deadly conspiracies that threaten not only her life but others she loves. Evan tries to put the pieces of the puzzle together on who might be beyond the tragedies happening around her. Add to that a Prince Charles/Princess Di like interview that opens more questions around her.

I really got sucked into this story and the only thing that bugged me was the cliff-hanging ending. The chemistry between Evan and Kit is there, but there are subtle hints not all is what it seems. I wondered if he had a part of the sinister plans to denounce Evan as committing treason against not only her own father but her half-sister Maisie.

Maisie comes across as shrill and unlikeable. Only later in the novel does the author peel back this front and show how uncertain she is about what is going on around her. Like who does she trust? Is Evan behind what the tabloids say?

Kit's involvement is also something that is at times questionable. I didn't know whether to trust him, especially when revelations came out after a bombing.

Intriguing glimpse into royal life is shown through the eyes of an American teen who is thrust into a life she never wanted and those who want to destroy her. Can't wait for book three to find out how Evan finds out who is behind the lies and brings peace to her life.
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