Review Detail

4.0 14
Young Adult Nonfiction 385
Romeo And Juliet Book Review
Overall rating
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Learning Value
Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy story of Romeo and Juliet. There were in differnt houses and they were enemies. Romeo went to the party of Juliet's family and he was really not allowed. There was how he met Juliet face to face for the time. They know each other and they are going out with each other. Juliet's nurse is helping in the message between Romeo and Juliet but it was because Juliet asked her to. There was alot of things that are happening. The party where Romeo joined, the challenge that they sent Romeo and many others.
The story is writen in old english so there might be words that are simular that they dont understand they also have pictures and translation for the readers so they can know what they are reading. I really like the book and how it picks up in the middle. There were acutally alot of thing that are happening. The books is for all age groups and for anyone that had enjoy Shakespeare's work would enjoy this.
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