Review Detail

4.0 8
Young Adult Fiction 108
ReVamped is an action packed and intriguing page-turner of a story...
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ReVamped is an action packed and intriguing page-turner of a story...
a good mix of paranormal and mystery !

The story takes place in 2015, where vampires have already been accepted and live among us. Along with the current human President, there is also a Vampire President and laws that claim that Vampires cannot feed off of humans nor turn them. Vampires are trained to become Guardians for protecting towns and its inhabitants.

The Vampire President's daughter, Dawn, has lived her whole life at the President's mansion. She has been in training for her whole entire life and is one of the strongest and most reliable warriors ever. It also helps that Dawn is one of the rarest types of Vampires, she is a Born - which means that she wasn't Made by being bitten, but was conceived by vampire parents. It's very complicated and very rare to be a Born Vampire...

The world that Adams builds for these vampires is so refreshing. Usually when I think of a vampire I automatically assume that they are going to be physically strong, but that they also are going to be fearless and impeccable. The unique group of characters that Adams puts together is so comical but in such a good way - to the point that you want to join their group and be friends with all of them.

Yes, there is a good mystery going on, involving a ton of action - rogue vampires are fighting about, and they want Dawn! Why?

And lets not forget the love interests here! Ethan, the sexy human bartender who had arrived into town just a few weeks before Dawn - what's his story and what is he hiding?
And of course, there is the sexy vampire, Sebastian, that had just recently arrived into town too, just a few months before - what is his story? Why is he so adamant about keeping his distance from Dawn, and yet, following her around everywhere she goes?
I have to say, while reading this book I couldn't help but think that it reminds me a little bit of the Sookie Stackhouse Series (True Blood) - the YA version of course! If you're a fan you will definitely enjoy ReVamped!
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