Review Detail

Middle Grade Fiction 516
Red Stars
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
What worked: Fascinating novel of twins who are separated when Hitler's troops invade Leningrad in 1941. Told in diary-style writing with intriguing maps and photos of that time. There are notes woven throughout from a Soviet investigator who highlights laws the twins broke and is determining their fate.

The dual POV gives insight into one of the most horrific battles in Russia during WWII. The twins' stories are similar to the horrors of war and come together at the end when they aren't believed due to their young age. Some examples include one of the twins mistakenly being taken to a gulag. The horrors he experiences are told in raw, brutal descriptions. Another is when Viktor is attacked by an old Russian woman and she cuts off three of his fingers with an ax. Mostly though it's the hunger, fear that is conveyed in a realistic way that is sure to stay with readers to the very last page.

The illustrations and maps add to the intensity of this historical novel. Mostly it's a story of courage to stand up for the truth even if it might mean death.

The only thing that took me out of an otherwise engaging tale had to be Colonel Valery Smirnov's notes on the laws Nadya and Viktor broke during their journey for survival. The notes are written in tiny red cursive.

Haunting, chilling portrayal of Russian twins separated in 1941 Leningrad right when Hitler's troop invade their country. Recommended for those who enjoy WWII stories.
Good Points
1. Fascinating diary-style novel of twins who survived Russia's Great Patriotic war of 1941
2. Courageous, insightful portrayals
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