Review Detail

5.0 1
Young Adult Fiction 348
Horses, hot guys and a girl with sass, RACING SAVANNAH is a winning combination!
(Updated: October 03, 2013)
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
What I loved: The covers in the Hundred Oaks series are some of my favorites. They have clean, bright colors with clear images that accurately represent the story within. And by not showing the model's faces, it allows readers to imagine the heroine/hero anyway they want to!

Twelve Things I Loved About RACING SAVANNAH

1. It's hard to go wrong with a story about horses. The relationship Savannah has with Star was so sweet and her back story broke my heart.

2. If GQ Cowboy were a thing I would be a lifetime subscriber. ;)

3. Miranda Kenneally doesn't do "insta-love", but she does write "insta-attraction" and pretty freaking well, I might add. I enjoyed watching Savannah try to fight off her attraction to Jack. (I would've lasted about as long as it took him to say, "Hello.")

4. Savannah is a pint-sized badars full of sass, but she isn't a hardars. I loved that she wasn't afraid to go after what she wanted despite the risks. I wanted to high five her when she stood up to Jack and I wanted to hug him when he finally stood up to her. (Also, I just kind of wanted to hug Jack, period.)

5. The fathers in this story are present and involved and even though the relationships aren't necessarily easy, they are positive.

6. The social class issue/differences felt believable.

7. I am a die hard Matt Brown fan ("Things I Can't Forget") but, SWEET BUTTERMILK BISCUITS Jack Goodwin is a close second! He is a fantastic blend of swoon, swag and southern gentleman.

8. There is a scene in the middle of the book that ties in some of the characters from previous Hundred Oaks books and I got all choked up over seeing them again. I also wanted to go back and reread all of "their" stories again.

9. I think everyone needs a Rory in their life!

10. I'll admit, I thought I knew how this would end, but I was wrong and happily so.

11. Lollipop addictions.

12. Star Wars sheets. That is all!

What Left Me Wanting More: Not a darn thing.

Final Verdict: Horses, hot guys and a girl with sass, RACING SAVANNAH is a winning combination and I couldn't put it down!
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