Review Detail

4.3 1
Young Adult Fiction 276
Coming of Age Tale
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
During the spring of Donna Parisi's senior year, she finds herself at a funeral of a classmate. It's been four years since the death of her own father. Donna still hasn't been able to deal with the loss but somehow being at her classmate's funeral, she finds herself drawn to the whole idea of working in a funeral home.

Her mother has plans for Donna that don't include her becoming a mortician. But Donna finds comfort in knowing she can reach out to others who have lost a loved one. She feels at peace in the funeral home. Will Donna find the courage and strength to take a big risk and do what she feels is right? Or will she bow down to what others feel is best for her?

I was surprised at first with this novel. I thought it would be a paranormal tale. Instead I found a coming of age story of a girl who finally finds what she wants and the courage to take a huge risk. The voice is at times funny and also felt genuine. I could kind of relate with Donna as when I was a teen my own mother didn't want me to go to my 'dream' university either. And yes, it's hard to stand up to adults and say, hey, this is what I want. The author does a great job showing us the conflict and struggles Donna goes through with not only her mother but friends. I also found the information on what a mortician does fascinating. Who knew they went to their own college?

The relationship between Donna and her friends is also real. I liked how she struggles with what she really wants in a boyfriend. Does she want to stay with the hot but airy Tim? Or go with her high school friend Charlie who happens to be Pro-Earth?

This book is also about transformations. How do you say goodbye without losing yourself? Also it shows how Donna was able to turn a tragic loss into a gift to help others who are grieving. Plus I love the little details that are woven throughout this book on things like how to respect the dead's wishes on what they wear to the color of makeup to use. One very hilarious scene in the book shows them putting makeup on a woman who's last request is to be made up to look like the sexiest vampire chick you can imagine.

An interesting twist on the whole dead premise.
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