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4.8 18
Young Adult Fiction 1405
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An amazing book, Poison Study really captures you and pulls you into the world of Yelena Zaltana (although she doesn't find out her full name until near the end).

Yelena was in prison and ready for execution. For murder. And Yelena doesn't regret it. Not at all. Pulled out of prison, Yelena is offered a surprising opportunity. To become the new poison taster. Which doesn't seem so bad. Unless you consider the fact that Yelena could die from the next bite any second.

Given a poison called "Butterfly's Dust" (which, at the end, turns out not to be a poison at all), Yelena has to stay at the castle, working alongside the Commander's top assassin, Valek.

Yelena is sure her days are numbered, but as she spends more time there, Yelena finds she likes the castle. Especially its occupants. Yelena finds she is falling in love with Valek, and finds friends among some of the soldiers. Friends that are prepared to protect her when her old master, General Brazell, comes and is ready for revenge against Yelena for killing his son.

As her life goes on, Yelena realises that she has some strange powers. Magic. But she refuses to accept it, for magicians are executed on sight in Ixia. But she is finding it harder and harder to avoid the truth. Her only chance is to get to Sitia, where, as an added bonus, she might be able to find her long lost family.

Yelena is an awesome character, determined, headstrong, and more than a little stubborn. I really loved Janco, he was so light on his feet, and full of humour. I suspect he would have gotten into a lot of mischief hadn't strong, gentle Ari been there to keep him in check!

This is a wonderful book, perfect for all ages. Everyone should read it!
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