Review Detail

4.4 8
Young Adult Fiction 267
Couldn't put it down
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Reader reviewed by Amanda

How many ways will I say awesome in this review? It's been a while since i've read a book and had very few complaints. I'm not trying to say this book was perfect. It was actually only a bit better then average. My favorite thing? No REAL annoying characters! There is only one part when Kate pisses me off. And that is when she pulls a Bella. She decides she's gonna risk her own safety and well-being for others. Seriously? Do you really think this is going to work Kate? Because your plan really sucks. That annoying part didn't really last long though. Now onto the amazingness. Finally a book that can be fantasy without any vamps! I mean it's not like the witch idea was really creative but it was different. I really liked when Jarrod battles, he has the ability to keep you at the edge of your seat without being disgusted. All of the characters were very well written. Kate was brave and confident despite being ridiculed by her classmates, which gave her a sense of confidence that I admire. Overall I think Old Magic was a fascinating read with a different storyline and pretty fantastic characters.
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