Review Detail

Young Adult Fiction 576
Colorful Creative Magiic
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What I liked:
Have you read the Darker Shade of Magic series? Are you looking for another fantasy series with the same elements that will leave you with the same fantastic feelings? A Forgery of Magic series will fill the void for you. Though Darker Shade of Magic is an adult series, Nocturna is the start of a Latino-based debut fantasy series. We have a prince who is looking for his lost brother who vanished into a void where he can not follow. He uses magic door knobs (sounds familiar just a bit). We have a face-changing thief trying to leave behind a menacing father, and the two are thrown together by chance and have to save the world from very dark Magic.
A Forgery of Magic series does not get enough attention; the first book came out in 2019, with the last coming out this December 2023. I think it got lost as it took a while for all the books to come out, so I hope the spotlight will shine back on this fantastic series.
Final Verdict:
A Forgery of Magic is unique from A Darker Shade of Magic as the magic system is based on the Mexican language called proprio. You can gain your Magic anytime; something usually triggers it. Our MC and Thief have some fantastic chemistry between them. I also appreciated that this one did not end on a terrible cliffhanger, but I have no idea where the rest of the series is going. Pick up Nocturan, start your reading journey with the first book, and catch up on the series before December 26, 2023, when the final book is released.
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