Review Detail

Young Adult Fiction 1837
Delightful Companion Novella
Overall rating
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Mysteries of Thorn Manor is the perfect companion novella to Sorcery of Thorns. I love the chemistry between Elizabeth and Nathaniel. In this book, they are trapped by the magical wards of Thorn Manor with nothing better to do but to figure out why the magic is misbehaving and define their relationship. We get all the great parts established in Sorcery of Thorns and expand on the enigma of Silas, the quirky magical world, and the budding love our characters have for each other. The concept that whole rooms could be magicked away and that you could find secret nooks and crannies from bygone eras was delightful.
As a booklover the idea of books with their own external personalities was fascinating. To think a book could become lonely and refuse to open or be disruptive because you don’t acknowledge it often enough is wonderful.
Overall, the book is charming and silly in the best way. I particularly enjoyed when Great Aunt Clothilde’s wardrobe attacked them and they are left fending off old-fashioned bloomers and other unmentionables. I would not mind stepping into this magical world meeting our characters and helping them keep the magical library in order.
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