Review Detail

4.7 1
Young Adult Fiction 401
It's a town eat town world
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What I Liked: This story was very original in the post-apocalyptic future London, where cities are mobile in a society described as practicing Municipal Darwinism. This grim ultra-industrialized setting pits mobile cities against each other and except for the anti-traction rebels, most people seem okay with the idea of wrecking and consuming smaller towns and enslaving or killing the residents.
The historian’s apprentice, Tom, has to come to terms with completely veering off the course he thought his life was on when he saves Mr. Valentine from an assassination attempt by the disfigured Hester Shaw. Facing betrayal, nothing to his name, and the dangers of life on the ground he has no choice but to stick with Hester.
Hester is a spunky character with a traumatic past. It takes many days for Tom to see past her disfigurement and her guarded personality to the nice girl underneath. Hester has had such a jaded past that it takes her much longer to decide Tom is a friend.
Watching their friendship develop was an interesting part of the story. Katherine Valentine and Engineer’s Apprentice, Pod, also work together to uncover sinister plans back home in London. I enjoyed reading about them as their understanding of their world expanded.
What Left Me Wanting More: With surprising deaths and the aftermath of their actions I am left wondering what is left to discover in the rest of the series.
Final Verdict: The plot had many surprises and wasn’t afraid to kill off important characters. This is a four-book series, but the first book wraps up nicely if you don’t decide to keep reading. I am not sure how practical a world like this would be, but it is an interesting premise and I look forward to watching the movie.
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