Review Detail

3.4 8
Young Adult Fiction 220
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Reader reviewed by big-brain

this book was so captivating! even for a 12 yr old like me! i am so glad it ended the way it did!!!! i don't how walter dean myers does it, but he does it well. while some people might not get into the book because they might think it's boring, i think it is absolutely marvelous! i also think that it would be very easy to make this book into a movie, seeing as it's written as a movie! wow, lotta exclamaation point! woohoo! OKAY, SERIOUS TIME.
so this is what happens, 16 yr old steve Harmon is tied to a felonious murder as the lookout. originally, it was just supposed to be a robbery, but took a took for the worse when the owner pulled out a gun and King turned it on him and killed him. so anyway, the setting is in jail and the courtroom, but mostly the courtroom. a bunch of people come in to testify, including "bobo" evans, the associate in the crime. i think it was kind of a weak argumant, seeing as he didn't know anything about what was going to ahpen during the robbery, he didn't even know the sign steve was suposed to give them, if steve was even there. so anyway, not to give too much away, i will tell you this tho, king is convicted, and steve lies on hte stand (also called purgery). did i mention this book was captivating?
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