Review Detail

4.5 19
Young Adult Fiction 346
Confusion at its clearest
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Reader reviewed by Caroline Meyer

Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac
I didn't think much of what I was picking out when I took this book off the shelf, but I'm really glad that I did. Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac by Gabrielle Zevin takes you on a ride through confusion and heartbreak with Naomi, a teenage girl who, at the beginning of senior year, fell down concrete stairs and suffered severe amnesia. She wakes up in a world completely foreign to her, with a boy she doesn't even recognize standing over her. The author really makes you feel for Naomi as she tries to figure out what kind of girl she really was, and whether she really wants to be the same or not. I felt it was a very relatable book that shows the drama of high school with cliques and rumors and all of that. Seeing the world for what felt like the first time through her eyes really made me as the reader feel like I was going through this experience with her. She had no prior judgements of the people she saw so neither did the reader. This book has drama, emotion, and even a little bit of suspense although I wouldn't really consider is suspense more as anticipation. All of those put together made for a great book.

Recommendation by Caroline Meyer
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