Review Detail

Young Adult Fiction 3386
A Story of Grief and Love
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
After one tragic night lands Katie in the hospital, both her brother Truman and her best friend Eden have to learn to live in a world without her. Both of them grieve in completely different ways. Eden shuts down, preferring her dark room over talking to other people. Truman had to get away and go to a school a good distance from his hometown. This series of events put a quick stop to the budding romance between them.

When Truman returns home, his paths cross with Eden's on more than one occasion and it becomes difficult to ignore that fateful night. Now, they have to learn how to interact with each other without Katie while still holding on to the hope that she'll wake up. With the overwhelming sadness surrounding them, it's hard to find someone who understands it, so they share that similarity. Is it enough to revive the spark between them or will the guilt be too much?

MEET ME IN THE MIDDLE is a contemporary romance where the primary focus is grieving and learning to live with loss. The truth is that it isn't something you can just get over. Instead, it's something you have to learn to live with. Watching Eden and Truman both take different paths in the grieving process tugs at your heartstrings and you can't help but to cheer for them to get together. They're cute and patient with each other and it seems like they understand one another in every possible way. Truman with his art and Eden with her withdrawal from society. With each turn of the page, the reader learns about the past the two share and why things are so tense.

Final Verdict: This is the perfect story for those who have experienced loss recently or for readers looking for a heartfelt, thought-provoking plot. I teared up on more than one occasion which is what you hope to happen with stories like these. I love watching the growth of Truman and Eden and learning how one moment in time can change everything. For that reason, you should never take things for granted.
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