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4.0 12
Young Adult Fiction 460
Watch Out for them Blue Pills
(Updated: December 04, 2013)
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I think we should all agree that we will never take pills that we have no idea what they do. That’s a key lesson Cassia should have learned heading into “Crossed,” the second book in Ally Condie’s Matched trilogy.

In the second book, Cassia is out traveling through the wilderness to find Ky, her long-lost lover who’s been forced into the Outer Provinces to fight for his life. Cassia takes with her a cache of blue pills given to her by Xander, the boy she left to follow Ky. The Society has told citizens all along that the blue pills equal survival. Just take a couple if you find yourself without food and they will keep you sustained until you reach a meal.

But can the Society be trusted? They’re known to spread lies to keep the population in a constant lemming status, but this lie may be deadly. I have a hard enough time already taking aspirin from someone else, and now who knows how long it’ll be until I ever take any medication ever again. How do we know those pharmacists can be trusted?!

In all seriousness, this is a good book. It has less sci-fi development in Condie’s world as opposed to the first book, but it has Ky and Cassia’s inner monologues on how much they love each other, and I love me a good star-crossed lovers story. This left me really anticipating what will happen in the third book, as it looks like there’s going to be a lot of development on how the Society and the Rising will act in a final showdown.
Good Points
Good lead into the third and final book.
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