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3.9 5
Young Adult Fiction 256
Lady Friday audiobook review
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Lady Friday just seems a bit pitiful to me. She has her Noon (or possible Dawn or Dusk -- I can't quite recall) do her fighting while she sits about eating human experiences. Plus, she goes a bit mad with her desire for the experiences. It begins to seem that there will never be enough. I'm pretty sure if she could gain weight from eating them, she'd be as big as Drowned Wednesday.

And this is when my poor, dear Arthur finally ends up losing his humanity. No, it doesn't happen right away. In fact, he goes through quite a bit of struggle before he's forced to use the Keys or else lose the House to Nothing then and there. I almost cried when he realized he was no longer human, but I have to applaud him for managing to find a silver lining to it all.

In all, probably one of my lesser favorites of the series simply because 1)Arthur is a bit grouchy due to the fact that he's nearly lost his humanity and 2) while plenty does actually transpire, it feels like not too much important happens.
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