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4.5 52
Young Adult Fiction 269
Best Ever!
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Reader reviewed by Kelsey

Last year, Annabel was "the girl who has everything"at least thats the part she played in the television commercial for Kopf s Department Store.This year, shes the girl who has nothing: no best friend because mean-but-exciting Sophie dropped her, no peace at home since her older sister became anorexic, and no one to sit with at lunch. Until she meets Owen Armstrong. Tall, dark, and music-obsessed, Owen is a reformed bad boy with a commitment to truth-telling.With Owens help,maybe Annabel can face what happened the night she and Sophie stopped being friends.

I have read this book about 3 times before. It is fabulous. Dessen is a popular YA author and deserves it extremely. Her writng is meaningful, inspirational, and funny. Some people I have heard think she is sappy, I am here to tell you otherwise. Dessen writes about important sublects for teens.

This book is wonderfully writen and any teen who has read it, I think would agree. This book an issue that happens everyday, rape and anorexia. Those things could happen to anybody and that is what Dessen is trying to say. While reading this book (the first time) I couldn't put it down. When I was finished reading it i actually read it again, which happens when I read an extremely good book (Twilight Saga, HP 7). Dessen is very captivating. Her books will keep close to your heart well after your done. I highly recommend her other books.
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