Review Detail

3.7 8
Young Adult Fiction 729
Good teen book
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Reader reviewed by Tallie

This book is about 18 yr. old Hanna. After breaking up with her boyfriend, she goes for a late night in the middle of winter walk at a frozen lake near by. she bumps into a teen couple who are obviously happy. feeling bitter, she leaves them alone and she goes home. the next day she finds out that that couple died shortly after she left. they fell in the ice cold lake. she immediately feels guilty because she feels that she could have prevented it.
Being a skillful artist, she expresses her sorrow by drawing. she goes to the park one day and begins to draw a strager who she finds interesting. she posts it up on her website without much tought. the next day, she is riding teh bus and sees him, the guy she drew but thinks nothig of it. one day while at work, she gets a visit from him. she is of course very shocked.
He tells her he needs to talk to her so they meet up. he tells her that his sister found out about her site adn saw the drawing of him. he fouund out who she was and after seeing her in the bus, followed her. he too has a secret, he was the one who found teh dead bodies of the teenagers. immediately they have a connection and are drawn to each other. eventually they have sex the first night they meet.
she has a relationship with him and is horrified to learn that Will is 14. Although she breaks off a romance immediately, she is drawn into his family, which, like her own, struggles with tragedy and secrets.
i recommend this book to anyone.
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