Review Detail

3.9 68
Young Adult Fiction 994
LOTR Meets Star Wars Meets Dragonriders
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Reader reviewed by Fantasy Reader

Anyone who has ever read this book knows that this is an exact copy of Star Wars: A New Hope.

Like so: Eragon (Luke) the farmboy discovers a dragon egg(droid) while Eragon/Luke is away from the farm. The Empire(didn't even need to substitute!) attacks and destory it. Eragon/Luke meets Brom/Obi-wan and tries to avenge his uncle. Brom/Obi-Wan dies. Luke meets Murtagh/Hans, gets caught, rescues Arya/Leila and joins the Varden/Rebels.

Exactly the same, except here Brom/Obi-Wan dies before meeting Murtagh/Hans. The telepathic dragons and riders comes from Anne McCaffrey's the Dragonriders of Pern, and Each and every single one of the names are from Lord of the Rings. Sure he was 19 and graduated from high school at 15. But his parents owned a publishing company, and the book conviniently forgot to mention he was homeschooled.

This book reads like the Flintstones meets the jetsons. Sure the main idea was awesome, but it was taken from other people. If you thought you liked this book, watch A New Hope, read Return of the King, and Dragonflight, you'll see what I mean. Also, the author seems to think it makes to book better to add in cliched archaics here and there.

It is not a great book, but if you wanted to see how the Jedis would fair as Dragonriders with sword instead of lightsabres, then this book is a must read.
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