Review Detail

4.3 2
Young Adult Fiction 236
So many wrong decision but I'll read the sequel
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My Goodreads friend Stacia was right when she said this book was weird. I can’t even explain it how I felt about it. Did I like it or not? I’m really not sure. There were some things that caught my eye but there were some things that made me mad.

Let’s start with bad things, since they are easier to remember. It’s an understatement to say this book was filled with clichés such as new mysterious girl in school, most popular guy as a love interest, his bitchy girlfriend, spunky best friend who is the voice of reason and a bad guy. Main love interest, Justin did nothing for me. He had no personality at all. Why did Lenah fall in love with him so fast? His possibility to score some points with me disappeared the moment he agree with his girlfriend when she called Lenah a whore. Slut shamming? No, thank you. The bad guy wasn’t really a bad guy. He was just a frustrated lovesick vampire with a lot of time on his hands.

Now, there were two things I liked. Those are Rhode and just the feeling I had while reading the flashback scenes. I really don’t get it why Maizel killed off the most interesting character in the book so early. This actually isn’t a spoiler since he died in the first 20 pages or so. Rhode was Lenah’s lover and maker and pretty much the only interesting vampire or human character in Infinite Days. My fingers were crossed that somehow he would turned out to be alive so I would learn more about him. Also, those flashback scenes were mostly with Rhode or Vicken. Tony (BFF), was an ok dude, I guess. After all, he did help Lenah a lot with her transition from being a vampire to a completely normal girl. Well, a really pale girl which know too much about everything.

Even after I got a lot of bullying and slut shamming I think I’ll try to read the second book when it comes out because I hate leaving things unresolved.
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