Inbetween (Kiss of Death #1)

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Brilliant YA Paranormal Romance.
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(Source: I won a digital copy of this book. Thanks to YA Buddy Readers' Corner)
17-year-old Emma nearly died when she was 15 and she was involved in an RTA with her father. What she doesn’t know is that she was supposed to die though, and that Finn – a reaper, saved her.

Finn has been in love with Emma for 27 years, ever since she died in a previous life and he had to reap her soul. He did something very bad to get Emma to where she is now though, and he’s been protecting her constantly for the last two years, from a shadow (evil spirit) called Maeve who wants to kill her, even though it’s against the rules.
When Maeve steps up her attacks, Finn steps up his own protection duties, and starts getting in even more trouble with his bosses, he can’t let Emma die though, he loves her too much.
Can Finn keep Emma safe? Why does Maeve want to kill her so badly? And is there any hope for Emma and Finns love?

I loved this book! The suspense and romance were just riveting and I really couldn’t put this down!

The characters in this book were great. I loved how Finn loved Emma so much that he risked everything for her, and I loved how he watched over her and kept her safe even when it got him in trouble.
I also liked Emma, I loved how she baked for therapy, and how she was always there for her best friend Cash when things were difficult for him at home. I liked how she took her tablets, even when she thought she didn’t need them, and tried her best to fight against the things that haunted her.
(I also really want a t-shirt like Cash’s that says "I'm only here because my Flux Capacitor is broken")

I really liked the storyline in this book. I know an angel/reaper in love with a human has been done before, but I really liked how the author told the story, and I loved the suspense in this one. I couldn’t wait to find out what would happen next and I really didn’t want to put this down at all!
The romance between Finn and Emma was really sweet, and I really wanted things to work out for them even when it seemed like the odds were stacked against them. I also really liked the little twists in the story, and the ending was really good too! I really want to read about Cash’s story in the sequel now!
Overall; Great YA paranormal romance about a reaper in love with a human.
9 out of 10.
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Cute Romance
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Inbetween was heartbreaking. It killed me knowing that Finn was doing everything he could to be with Emma, and yet I knew he couldn't ever have her. I'm not much of the gushy romance type, but this was beautiful. It might sound cliche, and it probably is, but when I started reading this book, I found myself not caring if the idea was overused or not. I was simply captivated by the smooth flow of Fuller's writing and how the character's expressed so much raw emotion. It was a tragic love story in the beginning, but we all know happy endings always find a way.
The story is told in two POV's, Emma's and Finn's.
Finn broke my heart. His POV was the most sentimental and I was shocked to read something so emotional from a guy's point of view. He was very touchy-feeling, but not so much so he seemed like a girl. He didn't cry every chapter or anything like that. Finn was more of the 'you mess with me or my Allison and I'll have your ass hanging above my fireplace'. He had a fire in his character that never burned out, and his defiance was addicting. The only problem I had was the fact that he kept blaming himself over and over and over again throughout the entire story and I wanted to just duct tape his mouth for a while. He has his flaws, but I don't need to be reminded of them every page.
Emma was an okay character. She didn't get on my nerves or anything. I liked her quick thinking and detective skills for the main part. But I was glad the book wasn't focused on just her. Finn's POV was a lifesaver sometimes. Emma was too feeble. She acted strong, but she was hopeless and not very helpful. I liked her bravery and the way she faced the danger, but her character wasn't as interesting. If this book had all been written in just her POV, I wouldn't have liked it as much as I do. I accepted her part in this book, it helped get my attention.
The plot was not that original. Like I said before, I didn't really find myself caring about the cheesiness of the story. It took me a couple of pages to actually get really absorbed into the book, the beginning was a little confusing. The main thing I loved about Inbetween was the way Fuller refrained from revealing why Finn always blamed himself and what actually happened for Maeve to get so angry and go after Emma. I didn't know until I was closer to the ending, the mystery of it was eating me up by then.
Overall, I really enjoyed Inbetween. It's engulfing and truly a romantic read you don't want to pass. I almost cried a little here and there, but it was definitely worth it.
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Interesting but slow at times
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Inbetween by Tara Fuller
Arc received by: Entangled Teen via Netgalley
Release Date: 8-28-2012
Reviewed by: Middle Sis Jenn
The Sisters Say: Romantic and Resplendent

If you were to ask most people where they want to go when they die, their answer would, I assume, be Heaven. However, if that someone has read about Tara Fuller’s oh so yummy reaper, then they might just answer, the Inbetween! Inbetween is charming and fun-- a love story that shows you just might be life after death.

While this is not the first story I’ve read about reapers, I still say we need more! I really enjoy these paranormal characters—I love that they can be good or evil, or toe the line between both. I love that each story can invent a new aspect of them, so it’s never old. And I fall head over heels for the ones that just won’t give up on the idea of love—even when they’re dead.

This story follows Emma as Finn, a reaper who loves her, tries to protect her from the evil soul, Maeve. I will admit, at first I was frustrated because Finn can’t touch Emma! I was sure the romance was going to be lacking and I was going to want to put it aside for something with a little more….corporealness? Is that a word? Um…I’m going to declare that the International Council for Words just said that “corporealness” is a word. Anywho, I was pleasantly surprised. While I still wish there could have been more steam, I found the romance to be sweet and intoxicating.

Emma is an interesting main character, and while I was not blown away by her, I still felt a small connection to her. She has been plagued by “accidents” all her life, not knowing these accidents were caused by Maeve. However, she doesn’t let the constant threat of death hang over her like a dark, ominous cloud. Instead, she decides that she is going to try and take charge. I liked that confidence while it lasted. Unfortunately it fizzled out, and she became the innocent victim once again. While I like the fact that Finn or her best friend Cash has to play knight in shining armor, I still wish she would have had a bit more attitude and strength as a main character.

One of my favorite characters is Cash, Emma’s best friend. He is portrayed as both a good and a bad guy. What do I mean? He’s the boy your mother warned you about—you know the one. The player. The partyer. But, with Emma, he’s caring and different. He doesn’t treat her as some girl to kiss and toss. His relationship with her is lasting, and it really gives insight into his brokenness. I won’t say anything else because I don’t want to spoil it, but I can assure you we will see much more of him in the next book.

And finally…we have Finn. I like Finn, but again, I was not blown away by him. He’s charming and head over heels for Emma, but at times, he seems a bit whiny. He wants to take charge, but as a reaper, there are rules that keep him in the shadows. I loved with Finn was willing to break those rules, but then it seemed like he began to cower. I wanted to see a strong, confident, in your face guy willing to fight back—even if the odds were completely stacked against him. But, I understand why he couldn’t be like this. I mean, he’s a reaper, not an angel—so it’s not like he has all these powers at his disposal. I think he will be a definite new book boyfriend for many girls, but I tend to lack my guys a little on the bad side ? Like Easton…but we won’t go there, you have to read it!

My favorite part of the story (of course) was the evil Maeve. I can’t help it, I’m a villains girl. She’s dark and twisted, and she is set on revenge. I loved waiting to see what she was going to do next! And let me tell you, she does not disappoint. I will say, that I wish there would have been more of her—to show how much she has disrupted Emma’s life.

The only warning on content I have is the teenage drinking.

Overall, Inbetween was a flirty and fun read, and I will definitely be checking out book 2 in the future. The romance was sweet and the story was well written. Tara brings the Inbetween to life in the few snippets we get of the past, and she definitely brings hell to life with the quick looks of torture that realm can bring! Tara Fuller brings new meaning to the term star-crossed lovers. Thrust apart by death, separated by life and death, will Emma and Finn ever get the happily ever after they deserve? Read and find out! You won’t be disappointed.
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