Review Detail

4.9 6
Young Adult Fiction 383
What I've Been Waiting For
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Girl breaks up with her boyfriend, planet gets destroyed, and then there’s the viral outbreak…

If you aren’t curious yet, then maybe the format will grab your attention. Hacked e-mails, video transcriptions, ship records… You get the idea.

Kady and Ezra end up on separate evacuation ships after their mining colony is destroyed by a ruthless enemy. Despite tragic losses, they start to make new lives for themselves on board, moving on without their home and without each other. Things are bad, but there’s hope. Then things get worse. A plague has appeared and starts to turn shipmates into vicious beasts, who brutally savage anyone who get in their path. Oh, and the AI on one of the ships is taking matters into its own hands.

I adore the unconventional formatting, but all of that would be wasted if there wasn’t a compelling story behind it. Action, adventure, romance, science, horror… there’s an excellent mix of all these things. Kady is my favorite, with her ambition, tech skills, and grit. I’m thrilled that there are two more books to come. I don’t buy many hardcovers, but I have zero regrets with this one.
Good Points
The formatting was an excellent visual companion to the story.

Worldbuilding-as-we-go, enough to set the stage but it doesn't get in the way.
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