Review Detail

4.0 1
Young Adult Fiction 288
A satisfying conclusion to a great series
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I’m really nervous about final books of series as they can either finish the series perfectly or destroy the whole thing, and you don’t know which the book is going to be until you are almost halfway through. Thankfully, this book is one of those wonderful final books that leaves you satisfied rather than in despair.

In Outpost, we learn more about the world of Razorland, the different type of settlements that arose and some more answers about what exactly happened. What I really liked about the book is that the author didn’t make things easy for Deuce. What annoys me in books is when the protagonist has a revolutionary, never-tried-before idea which she then goes off and achieves without any problems whatsoever. Not so for Deuce, she really fights to get any traction for her ‘crazy’ scheme and I appreciated this reality. It is a good lesson for life, especially in this instant gratification world. Nothing comes easy or quickly for any characters in this book. In fact, things are quite brutal.

The book neatly wraps up all of its threads and leaves the vast majority of characters exactly where you want them to be left. However there is action, adventure and heatbreak along the way which means that even though you think you know how this is all going to be played out, you are going to end up with quite a few surprises. Just like a good book should do.
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