Review Detail

4.4 55
Middle Grade Fiction 641
Great book for anyone!!!
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Reader reviewed by Maggie

When Stanley Yelnats gets hit in the head with a pair of very expensive shoes he doesn't know what to think. His family has never had alot of money so for these shoe to just magically appear seemed to good to be true. But when Stanley hears police sirens going off he begins to get scared. The cops all of a sudden start yelling at him claiming that he stole the shoes from a nearby orphanage. They made him go to court where he was givin a choice of jail or Camp Green Lake. A little obvious on what he choosed.

When he arrives Mr. Sir informs him that everyone has to dig a 5 ft. deep hole by 5 ft. everyday. And that it builds charactor. Sounds a little crazy to me.

"D" tent is where Stanley ends up staying. The guys there push him around in the begining but they all eventually become friends. Zero ends up being Stanleys best friend which is kind off interesting. You have to read the book to find out what I mean.
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