Review Detail

4.4 55
Middle Grade Fiction 641
Just Dig It
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Reader reviewed by Sinera

Can you imagine digging a hole 5 feet wide and 5 feet deep under the hot burning sun cuz you did a crime and have been told to that digging holes builds good character? Well I can't. I loved this book because the characters just keep on digging holes and give the warden every valuable thing they find. The kids also give themselves funny nicknames based on their own personalities. Camp Green Lake is like a desert, it is dry and hot. Stanley Yelnats, the main character, has extremely bad luck and blames his bad luck on his good for nothing dirty rotten pig stealing great great grandfather.
What does the warden want the kids to find? Why are they digging holes? Is Stanley's bad luck ever going top end? Read the book and find out.
This book is very interesting and readers of all ages will enjoy it.
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