Review Detail

5.0 14
Young Adult Fiction 239
Assassins=Amazing Book
Overall rating
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When I first saw this book, I was drawn to it by some mystic force. I knew I had to get it when I saw the words "His Fair Assassin". I just love assassins ever since reading Poison Study, and this was no let down. I just loved every bit of this book, every chapter, every sentence, every word.

I loved Ismae, she was a brilliant protagonist. I loved how she wasn't dependent, like most women were in those days. She took things upon herself, and she turned about about to be very considerate and smart in the end, as she thought about her actions or assignments, unlike the reverend mother. She didn't do things without thought as the book started to finish, and that solved the complication perfectly. But I reckon while pretending to be Duval's mistress, Ismae should of done a bit more snooping and spying. She didn't really try THAT hard to find out information. She could of disguised herself and break into people's rooms to find out more. It would of made her a stronger character than she already is, and bring a bit more excitement.

I loved this entire book, as everyone else should. I loved the poisons, the weapons, the characters (especially Duval, he was pretty cool) and the twist in the end. This book is just unbelievable, and remember "Why be the sheep, when you can be the wolf?"
Good Points
-If there assassins in the book, well then of course it's gonna be an incredible book!
-I loved Ismae, she was fantastic protagonist. I loved how she wasn't dependent, like most women were in those days.
-I loved how Ismae was immune to poison
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