Review Detail

3.0 4
Young Adult Fiction 711
Every Awful Thing She's Done
Overall rating
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In a plot device similar to Dickens' "A Christmas Carol", Tessa passes away in a freak dodgeball accident and is forced to relive her life, based on items from the mall where she spends all her time.

I did not enjoy this book at all, unfortunately. The first page is fantastic, and I love Wendy Mass' ability to write voice, but it is wasted on Tessa. Or perhaps it is just that in reviewing Tessa's early years, Mass only revisits all the terrible things she has done, so I ended up really disliking her character.

This book was not for me.
Good Points
Wendy Mass is great at writing voice.
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November 07, 2022
I'm sorry but I disagree. I mean obviously you can have your own opinion about her character, but I think part of what makes it so good is that Tessa isn't supposed to be a likeable character, she was supposed to be a realistic one. It was also showing why she is the way she is and i found it fascinating.
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