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4.9 50
Middle Grade Fiction 332
Great book i cried so much!
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Reader reviewed by Carol_punk

I liked this book so much. It´s better then the other four because it has more action in it. Harry, Ron and Hermione are all grown up, Harry ets to go out with Cho Chang. Luna, she´s the best new character, she´s mysterious and friendly, I think she´s going to be more importante on future books. On this book Rowling answers lots of questions at the end when Dumbledore tells Harry the whole story, why Voldemort wants him. It´s really good. There´s just one thing I dont like about the story: that Sirius Black dies in the end. I´ve read that book 6 times and every time I cry. He shouldn´t have died´poor Harry, lost his parents and now lost the closest thing to him:his godfather. I hope on the sixth book there´ll be good news.
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