Review Detail

4.9 50
Middle Grade Fiction 332
A Pleasurable Read
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Reader reviewed by Caitlin

I know some people dislike Harry Potter books, so I wish to offend no one. Just hear me out! This book is the most exciting, most interesting book I have ever had the pleasure to read! It is about a young wizard attending his third year at Hogwarts, the wizarding school. He hears of Sirius Black escaping Azkaban, the wizard prison.

No on has ever escaped before! Everyone fears Black and, to Harry's surprise, he overhears a conversation about Sirius Black looking for him! Mysterious gifts show up with no clue of who sent them, strange happenings at Hogwarts, and the Dementors (the guards of Azkaban, assigned to protect Hogwarts from Black) seem to hate Harry! What is Harry's fate? Read the books and find out!!!!!!!!!!
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