Review Detail

4.9 50
Middle Grade Fiction 332
Harry's In Trouble Again
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Reader reviewed by Tad Taylor

This book is one of the best books I've ever read. It's all about a boy named Harry Potter and his two friends Ron and Hermoine. Harry plays a wizard game called Quiditch played on broomsticks. and he plays the seeker witch the game is all up to him. So what he and his friends do is they are always getting into trouble with his least favorite teacher Snape, and his least favorie enemy Malfloy.

Harry's dad had a friend who got put in jail for murdering nine people with one spell, but the thing is that he is innocent it was realy his friend Ron's pet rat , Scabers, who turned himself into a rat and his real name is Petter and he was the one that killed Harry's parents when he was just a baby. And so what they did was they captured him and were going to prove Sirus' innocence.

But on there way to the castle Harry got traped by the Dementors, witch are body guards for the prison Azkaban. And Petter got away and Sirus got into prison again, but Harry and Heroime went back in time and rescude Sirus and the hippogrith Buckbeak and know he and Buckbeak are in hiding.
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