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4.7 78
Middle Grade Fiction 1570
It was a place into which he was "dragged kicking and screaming."
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Reader reviewed by Nick Edwards

As C.S. Lewis once said of heaven, it was a place into which he was "dragged kicking and screaming." So be it with my own foray into Harry Potter. As a Middle School Language Arts teacher, I frankly had no time to delve into this popular phenomenon.

But my students, most of them 14 years and older, nagged me and finally persuaded me to seek them out. I did--and I am a better teacher for it! I say this with no reluctance. I have three degrees, have taught theater, acting, literature, language arts, and read every day of my life, not only for information, but for pleasure.

I cracked the cover of the first book, and within a few pages, was swept away. I love the books, the characters and the story line. Of course, as a teacher, I see other themes running rampant--coming from behind, dealing with self-esteem issues, negotiating conflict, not to mention developing morals and doing the right thing, not only the easy thing. Having loved the first three books so much, and becoming inspired to adapt these into my teaching, I was suspect of the fourth book. It was too LONG, I said to myself, and might not live up.
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