Review Detail

4.6 6
Young Adult Fiction 210
Such a cool book
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Oh, my freaking God! People! People! This book! Oh, this book. I have no words. How can I persuade you to read this book? How? How, when I have no words. It’s going to be on my 2013 top 10 reads for sure. And let’s not forget about all-time favorite list. After finish Graffiti Moon I threw my hands in the air like I climbed M. Everest. I love it! I love it so, so much! I want to live with Lucy, Shadow and Poet in their sunny town. I want to stalk Shadow and Poet with Lucy!

Thank you, Fassie. It means a lot.

Crowley’s writing style is smart and humorous at the same time. I swear, I laughed out loud so many times in the first 40 pages I started crying. I’ve said it a thousand times, there is just something special about Aussie authors. They must know more about life, people and healthy relationships, something the rest of the world doesn’t even see. How else would I explain their pure awesomeness?

I’m rambling just to fool you into thinking I actually wrote a review for Graffiti Moon. Two paragraphs already written. I am on a roll.

Believe me when I say GM was a hard book to put down without finishing it first. The only reason I didn’t finish it right away is that I had to sleep because I get up really early. But after I finished with my chores I couldn’t stay way from it.

OK, I know I’m being childish with this poor excuse of a review. I should probably start talking about the characters, plot and what it thought me but I won’t because I would just spoil it for everyone else. I have only one regret- I didn’t read it the first moment I got it.

Beware! Print and ebook aren’t the same versions of the book! Since I have both I spotted a couple of chapters in the middle are missing or totally different so I would suggest that everyone reads it in paperback or hardback. That way you also support author to write even more brilliant books.
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