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4.0 2
Young Adult Fiction 138
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Reader reviewed by Rita Lorraine Hubbard, The Original H.I.R. (Historical Investigative Reporter)

Being a teenager is hard enough without being a dream-catcher. But that's just what Jannie Hannigan is--a dream-catcher who gets sucked into other people's terrifying nightmares.

Gone, by Lisa McMann, is a great book for sci-fi or paranormal fans. It is fast-paced and creative, mixing blossoming romance with a pinch of parental heartbreak and a cup of cursing and f-bombs to make for a most enjoyable read.

When the book opens, Janie is struggling to make a decision about her curse--er, gift. For Janie, dream-catching is physically and mentally exhausting, not to mention terrifying. Janie knows that if she doesn't completely isolate herself, her gift will leave her blind and crippled. The problem is, isolating herself means being without her boyfriend Cabel, whom she dearly loves.

Just when Janie is convinced that the best course of action is to simply disapppear (which will break poor Cabel's heart), a stranger comes into her life. She is instantly sucked into his nightmares, but in the process, she discovers secrets about her drunken mother, her beloved boyfriend, her unwanted gift...and best of all, herself.

If you like your mysteries and romances topped off with a big helping of nail-biting terror, be sure to read a copy of Gone. But don't fall asleep.
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