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4.3 5
Young Adult Fiction 323
I love this dystopian!
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First Impressions: Anything that claims to be up to par with The Hunger Games is an automatic must read for me. Plain and simple. Even though I never, ever read books that take place in outer space, I just had to read this book.

First 50 Pages: I finished the entire book in just a few short hours. That is how good this book is. Like I said, I’m not a outer space kind of girl. I’m not big into Science Fiction. I’m not a Star Wars fan or a Trekkie. It’s just not for me. So, I was amazed that I was instantly hooked to this book. My family was trying to talk to me while I sat in our living room and read and I have no idea what was being said. It’s just that good.

Characters & Plot: Without giving too much of the plot away, more than the synopsis already has, I will say that the premise of this book is extremely unique. I’ve never read a book quite like it. The thing that makes this book go beyond ordinary is the fact you (the reader) cannot guess who you should or should not trust and who you need to root for. It’s IMPOSSIBLE to tell who the good and bad guys are in the book. Every time I thought I had it all sorted out, something would happen to make me question everything. The plot is completely unpredictable.

With that said, trying to explain characters is also impossible. By the end of this first book in the series, nothing is wrapped up. I mean, absolutely nothing. We don’t fully know the characters yet to be able to explain them. I can’t even give logical educated guesses, and I LOVE that about this book. The only downside? I have no idea when the next book will be available and it is going to drive me bonkers until I find out what happens next.

Final Thoughts: I was in no way disappointed. The hype around this book is there for a reason, a very good reason. I would love to see this series made into movies (even though the movies are never as good as the books). This book does contain dark themes and incidents that are probably not suitable for a younger teenager. I think teens and adults alike are going to love this book. It’s going to create controversy and that is WONDERFUL! I can't recommend this book highly enough!

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