Review Detail

3.6 9
Young Adult Fiction 115
Early Review: Glitch
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A great new dystopian book! I love the whole plot about Glitching! I can't wait for the second book to come out.
Good Points
Heather did such a great job pulling me into this story and keeping me glued to the pages! Glitch is about a teenage girl named Zoel who lives in a world were all of the people are blank. They have hardware in their bodies which makes them completely emotionless. The only thing they can feel is pain, because if they stopped feeling pain bad things could happen. Zoel has a problem though, she's starting to Glitch and that means she's starting to see smell hear and feel. She get's called into an office to get her hardware checked but out of nowhere comes Adrien to her rescue. If it wasn't for Adrien Zoel would've been deactivated and there would be no point to the story!

Zoel realizes she's been glitching for awhile now and she's nervous because she knows if she's found out that she'll be deactivated. Luckily before they can find out Zoe is rescued by Adrien. He is a teenage boy who is apart of her community. The only difference is that Adrien isn't really linked. He is a spy for the resistance (people against the government) and he saves Zoe before she is discovered! That's probably not the best explanation but trust me this book is pretty damn awesome!

Let me say straight away there is a tad bit of a love triangle in the book but it's not a bad heartbreaking one because she doesn't really have the same feelings for both of the guys which you can see right away which makes it a manageable love triangle. I gotta tell you in the beginning I completely fell for Adrien and I've been team Adrien through out the book I mean I just couldn't resist him. He was so sweet and he always wanted to protect Zoel!

The other guy in the love triangle is Max. He is another Glitcher that Zoel finds when she comes back to her home. He is in love with her as you can tell by the first few chapters but things don't work out the way he planned, and that makes him mad. The reason I didn't like Max to much is because when things didn't go his way he got really angry, and also because he tried to pressure Zoel a lot and I hate hate hate guys like that. So as you can tell I was rooting for Adrien the whole way!

In the end I give this story a 5 out of 5 stars despite the love triangle! I enjoyed the plot. I've never read anything like this before but I can tell you right now I'm going to be so antsy waiting for the second book to come out!
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