Review Detail

Young Adult Fiction 408
Oh My Heartstrings
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Marquardt brilliantly weaves together a beautiful story about family, friends, and finding yourself. She shows how people facing very different struggles can learn from one another by just taking the time to get to know them for who they really are.

To be honest, I've always loved birds, but never took a lot of time to appreciate all the different types around me. My mother on the other hand, kept an Audubon Book and binoculars close at hand. She spent a lot of time on the front porch listening and looking at the birds. So when I saw excerpts of Vivi's bird journal I was instantly reminded of my mother's love of birds, drawing me even deeper into the story. To Vivi, birds are celestrial and are always there when she needs an answer to something important in her life. While she can't quiet explain it, they have always seemed to be there when she most needs it.

Marquardt weaves together three distinct POV flawlessly. It is easy to keep each story line separate since the voices are so clearly defined. Vivi’s chapters start with an entry in her birding journal. It is fun to learn about each bird trying to figure out what clue it might hold for the story. I did find myself googling each bird to get an image and more information just in case.

TJ voice is well written, and even his tough act is easily relatable. I enjoy his dialogue and the way he changes over the course of the novel. In many ways he is one of my favorite parts of the novel.

Ángel is a pleasant surprise. With Marquardt's writing it is easy to love Angel flaws and all. He has a unique perspective that isn't often seen in YA novels. Ángel adds depth to the story that pulls at your heartstrings.

This book deals with timely and important topics from Vivi's issues faces her father's death and college, to immigration. Everything is handled with grace and incredible storytelling. You can tell that Marquardt put care and respect into each character.

Final Thoughts: Flight Season is a captivating story of family, friendship, love, grief, and healing. It took me on an emotional rollercoaster for the entire day. (Yes, I couldn't put it down and read it in one sitting at a coffee shop). But while I had tears in my eyes while I read, it left me with hope in my heart and the sound of birds singing. It is a must read of 2018.
Good Points
Can close to book with a better understanding of yourself and others around you.
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