Review Detail

3.5 2
Young Adult Fiction 214
Sisterly Love & Limits?
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
What wouldn't you do for your only sister? Leo and Paris Hollings test the limits of sisterly love with a mysterious scavenger hunt that leaves Leo finding more than just Paris in the end. Facing hard truths may not be easy for Leo, but an unlikely stranger helps to drive this family drama page after page.

Mainly set in Vegas, some of the city's grit rubs off on the setting and is reflected in the brief use of colorful language. This not so perfect world of Leo and Paris is felt in the first person narration as Leo struggles with her sister's disappearance and is reliant on others to aid her in the search. With her desperate need to find her sister, she allows herself to make risky decisions.

What I enjoyed was the sisterly bond that was apparent throughout the entire book. Leo and Paris have a shared family drama but most goes undiscussed. Secrets have a way of festering and for Leo, questions of trust and choice battle within her throughout her hunt the somewhat erratic Paris.
Good Points
The sister's bond and love for the other is quite moving.
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