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3.9 5
Young Adult Fiction 474
False Memory review
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en romantic. I couldn't get into the romance because it all felt too fake. I believe it was real for the guys, but it was almost like Miranda was just going with the flow. In the end, I like the guy she (kind of) chose, but more for myself than for her.

And while I did like the characters, I just didn't get attached enough feel more than a little sad at the deaths. Hopefully more time with them will help me care for them a bit more.

I really liked the overall story. It was a great blend of mystery, action, and surprising reveals. I didn't feel lost or bored at any point in the story. The flashbacks were done in a way that wasn't too convenient yet still important to the plot.

One of my favorite elements was the surprising twists. Just when I'd think I was getting a hang of things Krokos would throw in something new that both explained some things and left me with plenty of questions.

I'm hoping future books focus a little more on the "science" of it all because I love fictional science. And hey, if it's realistic science but you explain it in a way that sounds fantastic, I'm down with that too. It's kind of funny how much I love that element in a story considering Science was my least favorite subject in school...

The Nutshell: False Memory is a promising start to the series. There were some aspects that didn't work for me too well (the weird romance), but the story was engaging and fast-paced. I am hoping for a little more depth (characters, relationship, crazy science, etc.) with book two, but I'm definitely looking forward to reading it.
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