Review Detail

3.5 21
Young Adult Fiction 235
Fallen in Love
Overall rating
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Although this book is a little clichéd in places I still really liked it. The romance is ramped up more than in, say City of Bones, but didn't quite take me to the heights of Twilight. For me, the writing was strong enough to keep me turning those pages wanting to see Luce and Daniel get together and now that they are, but still aren't (if that makes any sense!)it has made me want to read the next book in the Fallen series. There are a few problems though; some of it was predictable, for e.g. Daniel's last name is Grigori, so for anyone who knows anything about the history of angels it was a no-brainer working out he was an angel. It was also obvious that Cam wasn't the guy for Luce with all the serpent symbolism that accompanied him so I never really believed that she would go off with him. However, the fact that Daniel and Cam are now working together at the end of the book has given me an appetite to read on.

Flawed but well worth a look!
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