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3.5 21
Young Adult Fiction 235
The Bright Light
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Reader reviewed by Rebecca Pauley

            Fallen is one of those books that you just can not put down until you are done and then when you are done with it you crave more. i loved it, Luce,Daniel and Penn were my favorite characters. Although at first i didn't really like Daniel until the end when i found out why he was being such a meanie to Luce. This book is romantic, thrilling, scary (in a way), and dare i say it heavenly. Originally i checked out this book from my school library thinking it was not a series, but it was at first i wanted to stop reading it (i'm trying to get away from series). But i could just not put the freaking book down. I read this book in 6 hours. (fast reader). My absolute favorite part of the book is when Luce sees Daniel for real for the first time. The end is really good to. I would recommend this to anyone. Who likes action, romance, and a thriller. This was one of the greatest books i have read. 
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