Review Detail

4.6 4
Young Adult Fiction 208
Don't Judge By The Title
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Reader reviewed by Mairi

Magpie is a fairy, though not of the common sort- she is a huntress who rides a fierce black crow. Modeling herself after the ancient champion, Bellatrix, she seeks to put demons back where they were before humans came to earth. Her only help is her loyal band of crows and her grandfather, the West Wind.

If you are anything like me, you are probably laughing right now, wondering who on earth would write over four hundred pages about a three inch faerie warrior. But this book isn't like that- apart from their height, these faeries are of a more traditional sort, of a race that came before men and is neither our friend nor our enemy. The workings of faerie society are complex and believable, giving you a real taste of magic.

So just pick up the book, and try to forget that the main character is three inches tall and a faerie.
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