Eternal (Tantalize #2)

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Hate the MC like Whoa
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My first time through Eternal I was really disappointed, since I'd really enjoyed Tantalize. Now, though, coming in with somewhat lowered expectations I was, largely, pleasantly surprised. This is not to say that I now think this is the best book ever, but I did think it was an interesting read.

Actually, there definitely was quite a lot frustrating about this book and pretty much all of it can be summed up in one word: Miranda. I hate just about everything about her. After she's turned into a vampire princess against her will, she just rolls with it. She happily eats people and calls the creepy, power-mad vampire who turned her Father, because that helps him fulfill his delusion. Miranda is entirely vapid, conceited and selfish.

Smith tries to set her up as an object of pity by showing her friend Lucy's devotion to her, by showing Zachary's love for her, and by suggesting she had a rough home life. The only one of these that's working for me is Lucy. Miranda's fate doesn't sadden me, but her best friend's does, desperately hoping that her friend has not died because of her desire to flirt. Zachary I actually find to be a somewhat interesting character, but his love for her is both creepy (what with the whole guardian angel, watching her grow from a child to a teen, watching her sleep thing) and ridiculous (she sucks [punned!], so why love her?). And, as for her rough home life, her parents got a divorce. Not to say that that is not painful, but her mother still loves her, and her dad, though distant, buys her awesome presents (now who's selfish? haha).

If you like Maggie Stiefvater's books, you may want to give Cynthia Leitich Smith a try. They have a lot of commonalities, I feel. Both have really clever ideas for paranormal YA romances and both write incredibly obnoxious female main characters. With both books I've read so far, I feel like the stories would have been so much more interesting had they focused on the male characters more.
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bad start. good end
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I was about to just stop reading, but I don't like giving up on a book half read. I am pleased I did stick with it! after the first 50 or so pages the story really does get better. My main issue was I didn't really like "father" but he takes a lesser role, It focuses more on Zachary & Miranda. I love how the story was set from two points of view, Zachary is an awesome kick ass angel. Miranda finally finds her feet and I do like the character she becomes.. Life is all about choices and I'm pleased that she chose the right one.

This book is definetly worth the read and I did enjoy it in the end.. even shed a tear, BUT having said that the start of the book really spoiled it for me I feel it could of been written better
Good Points
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A real page turner
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Reader reviewed by Taylor J

I found this book was really good. It matched perfectly to Cynthia Leitich Smith's other novel Tantalize. It was full of surprise and the writing was well done. It alternated between Zachary and Miranda's points of view which made you want to read more to find out what happened to the other character. A book about Angels and Vampires is also an interesting concept. I would have never thought about those two being together and I was impressed on the intrigue this theme brought, even before reading the book. I read this book until I finished it, I couldn't put it down!

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Vampire/Angel yumminess
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Reader reviewed by Kristen

I have to say I was impressed with this book. I liked the way the
female character was never completely good. Miranda is turned against
her will into the princess of the vampires, but before her old guardian
angel Zachary (now fallen for trying to save her) showed up on the
doorstep of her castle, she wasn't completely unhappy with the
arrangement. I mean, the girl is treated like royalty after all...

he reminds her of her human self - she starts reflecting on when she
was human and finds herself meeting him halfway on the issue of blood -
drinking cow and pig blood instead of human.

Of course, Daddy dearest - the Dracul - isn't pleased at all when he comes back from his supposed tour of the country.

But who will triumph over the Princess - her shining angel or the master and father of her vampire life?

couldn't put this down yesterday. In fact, I read through Tropic
Thunder while my fiance and I were at the soon-to-be-in-laws for dinner
and movie time. And although I loved it, I was a little disappointed by
the ending.

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